How To Become a doctor in Poland?
Medical diploma nostrification in Poland – step-by-step guide for foreign graduates
Medical diploma nostrification
For foreign doctors, the medical diploma nostrification is the basis for diploma recognition in Poland. The diploma nostrification allows for the legitimate permit to practise a profession in accordance with Polish health standards. The nostrification process is conducted in selected medical universities in Poland such as The Medical Universities of Warsaw, Cracow or Lodz which are responsible for an evaluation and verification of applicants’ documents.
When is the diploma nostrification necessary?
While applying for medical diploma recognition, a copy of degree diploma and other documents confirming the completion of higher education. To initiate nostrification procedure, a candidate has to apply for diploma nostrification and complete documents to assess qualification. Polish universities conduct nostrification process according to law which is essential for having one’s diploma nostrificated and practising a profession.
In the nostrification procedure, candidates may be obliged to pass a nostrification exam in order to assess the theoretical and practical knowledge. This is the, as in Combat Medic Skills Validation Test’s case, confirmation of qualifications otained. Both procedures are inherent components of nostrification process and considered equivalent to medical education. For stomatologists, there is also the similar procedure that allows for the diploma recognition in dentistry.
Diploma nostrification in Poland
with inclusion of certificated translating
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1. The priorities of diploma nostrification process
The medical diploma nostrification involves a comprehensive analysis of documents (degree diploma and documents confirming professional qualifications) received abroad. What comes into assessment is the academic syllabus, the duration of studies and the range of theoretical and practical subjects. When qualifications differ from Polish medical norms, a candidate may be obliged to pass an exams or to attend courses.
2. Wymagane dokumenty i procedura składania wniosku
- a copy of original degree diploma
- documents that contain the academic syllabus and confirm the completion of higher education
- detailed information about appreticeship and practical lessons
- translations of those documents by a sworn translator
The Wrocław Medical University carefully analyses the documentation before making a decision about the initiation of nostrification procedure. The purpose of diploma nostrification is its recognition to practise a profession.
3. The process and terms of diploma nostrification
When the university accepts an application, the verification procedure is initiated. Medical diploma nostrification process involves an official analysis of documents and qualifications of a candidate by The Nostrification Committee. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland requires that the nostrification process may be completed under the positive exam results (Nostrification Exam, Medical Final Examination) to evaluate knowledge of a candidate and a preparation for work as a doctor in Poland.
The Nostrification Examination and The Medical Verification Examination
The Nostrification Examination and The Medical Verification Examination are inherent elements of diploma nostrification process to assess the knowledge alongside Polish educational standards. In a case of dentistry, it is necessary to pass an exam to verify practical and theoretical preparation for a profession.
The Nostrification Examination and The Medical Verification Examination can be passed in The Medical Examinations Centre and this is the requirement to have one’s medical diploma nostrificated. Candidates who take exams have to fulfill specific criteria, for example, an apprenticeship. The terms of an application is highly important and influences the procedure. Documents should be set up in appropriate time as a guarantee of all accuracy
4. Formalities
After completing the nostrification procedure and passing an exam, a candidate gains a medical diploma that qualifies to practise a profession of doctor and is equivalent to Polish medical diploma. The confirmation of completing higher education and nostrification process is crucial to gaining a diploma. This is the basis for the registration in The Regional Medical Chamber to start a medical career in Poland.
5. The role of university and inspection authorities in the medical diploma nostrification process?
The Medical Universities in Poland, such as The Medical University of Warsaw play a crucial role in the nostrification through the cooperation with The Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Nostrification Committee consists of experts in the field of medicine and law and scrutinises all elements of application and makes a decision concerning the diploma recognition.
Difficulties possible and necessary steps - How does the procedure end?
The medical diploma nostrification can be complicated, especially for those who have received education in different educational system. Such differences, a lack of documents or the necessity of serving an apprenticeship delay the whole diploma nostrification process.
6. Postgraduate apprenticeship and the right to practise a profession
After completing formalities, doctors are obliged to serve a postgraduate apprenticeship as a preparation for a profession. A diploma recognition by Polish universities and ministries enables to start a work as a doctor after completing all stages of nostrification process and passing The Final Medical Examination. Doctors with nostrificated diplomas can work in private and state medical institutions.
Equivalence of foreign medical diplomas
Polish higher education system puts an emphasis on thorough verification of foreign diplomas. A decision if a foreign diploma is equivalent to Polish one relies on careful analysis of academic syllabus and apprenticeship programme. The Medical Examinations Centre in Łódź and The Nostrification Committee monitor the whole process and are responsible for policy regarding the simplification of procedures for UE doctors. Qualifications are also required for a diploma recognition.
7. Support and help for candidates
The Regional Medical Chamber and Expert Advisory Centres support candidates at all stages of nostrification process.
Formal requirements vary between universities.
8. What universities conduct the diploma nostrification process?
The Medical University of Białystok;
The Medical University of Gdańsk; or
The Medical University of Silesia in Katowice;
The Medical University of Lublin;
The Medical University of Łódź;
The Medical University of Poznań;
The Pomeranian Medical University in Słupsk;
The Medical University of Warsaw;
The Wrocław Medical University;
The Academy in Cracow;
The Łazarski University;
The Silesian University of Technology in Katowice;
The Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University;
The Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Kraków;
The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;
The Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce;
The University of Rzeszów;
The University of Zielona Góra;
The University of Opole;
The Casimir Pulaski Radom University;
The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw;
The Maria Skłodowska-Curie Medical University in Warsaw;
Characteristics of diploma nostrification: Complexity, Thoroughness, Formality, Conscientiousness, Bureaucracy, Legality, Transparence and Credibility
Nostrification of a medical diploma in Poland
1. What is the nostrification process and when is it conducted?
The diploma nostrification is an official procedure to create a Polish equivalent to a foreign diploma. This procedure is conducted when a foreign diploma cannot be recognised in Polish universities in relation to international norms.
Article 327, paragraph 1 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended) and the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1881).
2. What instituties conduct the medical diploma nostrification process?
Instututies which conduct the diploma nostrification process when a diploma relates to A+, A and B+ categories are enlisted on the Site of The Ministry of Education and Higher University.
The legal basis: Article 327, paragraph 4 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended).
3. What are documents mandatory?
- a copy of original degree diploma and an original diploma
- documents that contain the academic syllabus and confirm the completion of higher education
- detailed information about appreticeship and practical lessons
- in emegency, translations of those documents by a certified translator
Certified copies by the university are acceptable.
The legal basis: § 2, paragraph 1, 2.2, and 2.3, as well as § 4, paragraph 1 and 4.2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1881).
4. How does a procedure look like?
This is a comparison of academic syllabus and the duration of studies, educational results, professional qualities and the programme of apprenticeship with corresponding elements of Polish studies. If difference detected, the uviversity wants an applicant to pass exams or serve an apprenticeship.
The legal basis: § 5, paragraph 1, 5.2, and 5.3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1881).
5. When is a nostrification procedure conducted?
When an application is put forward, a procedure is initiated with the formal evaluation. In a case when an application is incomplete, the university gives 14 days for completing.
The legal basis: § 3, paragraph 1 and 3.2, as well as § 6, paragraph 1 and 6.2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1881)
6. Are there charges for diploma nostrification?
The charges for diploma nostrification process is maximally 50% of professor’s salary. Each university specifies terms and situations when a person can be exempt from charges. Charges are not required when there is a lack of competence to conduct the diploma nostrification process.
The legal basis: Article 327, paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended) and § 7, paragraphs 1 and 7.2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of September 28, 2018 (Journal of Laws, item 1881).
7. What happens if the nostrification procedure is denied?
In a case of lack of competence to conduct the nostrification process, the university issues a refusal which can be the source of accusation. Such refusal contains information about the identification of issuing authority, the legal basis, the justification for refusal and the accreditation to complain to the rector of the university.
The legal basis: Article 327, paragraph 7 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended) and the Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2096).
8. What universities nostrify diplomas?
There is the paragraph on the site entitled : What universities conduct the diploma nostrification process?
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