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How to translate well?

When health is at stake, one mistake could change everything. This is the case with medical translation, where we must be especially careful. It is best to work with translators qualified in this discipline, as they know how to deal with this type of text in the most appropriate way so as not to risk any blunders. 

Here below are various ingredients we must consider when we hire the services of a medical translator, so that the texts to be translated follow protocol.


First of all, we should underline disputes that often arise in this field of translation. On one side are those who support the idea that medical translations should be done by doctors with linguistic knowledge. On the other side you find those who support translators who specialize in the medical discipline. Although doctors have a much broader knowledge of medicine, a professional translator or linguist can be trained and specialized to translate medical documents seamlessly. As with all translation works, the basic requirement is to have the appropriate knowledge and training to achieve a quality result.

Influencing elements

We will continue highlighting the key factors that influence medical translation. Since medicine is not a simple field by any mean, texts can be quite complex and require in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. Apart from that, medical terminology is very broad, and its specific vocabulary will require the translator to rely on glossaries and resources to help him or her to produce accurate translations. Last but not least, the target audience of the translated text must be taken into account, as patients might have a different level of understanding compared to specialists.

It is also important to carry out the appropriate quality controls on the translation to ensure that there are no inaccuracies. Proofreading is a useful tool in this situation. In the case of medical translation, it must be very rigorous. It can require the labor of more than one translator. This is the final filter that guarantees reliability of the end result. On top of reliability, the translator must guarantee that the data that may appear in the text will be kept confidential, unless the client expressly consents to the data being published. 

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Relationship between translator and client

Finding the best professional to achieve an optimal result also requires a fluid communication between client and worker. The right translator for each case will work specializing in the required languages and will respect the client’s needs and the established deadlines. Medical translation rates may be higher than other types of translations, but this is due to the responsibility and high level of skill required to perform a translation in the broad field of medicine.

Prices will always be clearly established as soon as both parties reach an agreement, and it will be tailored to the characteristics of the text to avoid misunderstandings later on.

How to order a professional medical translation?

The conclusion to be drawn is that when it comes to health and, therefore, medical translation, we must leave the work in the hands of an experienced professional who complies with all of the above. This service is increasingly enquired and, among the possible options, contacting a professional will prevent us from making mistakes that, in the long run, can be costly.

For this reason, at Linguaforum we work to achieve the best results in medical translations. Our translators are specialized in the medical field, and in all the languages required, guarantee accurate and reliable texts. And, of course, we carry out the necessary proofreading and we sustain the required confidentiality.

Contact Linguaforum and ask for a budget without commitment!

Sources:  How to get a quality medical translation: tips and resources (

Translated and written by: Ana María Fariñas Ramos

Post-editing: Timothee Gros

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